Greylisting and Blocked Visitors

There are a lot of bad actors in the world who crawl web sites looking to harvest email addresses for spammers, or to inject bogus links to spam and malware sites. One of the ways I try to combat that behavior is by using a service that keeps track of known miscreants and automatically prevents them from accessing this site. The IP address of every site visitor is checked against a database, and if your address is associated with some suspicious activity you will be asked to take an extra authentication step before you'll be given access to the site.

Failed User Logins

One of the nice new features of the site is that it keeps a log of error messages, such as when a user tries to login and fails. I can see that some people have tried to login (in an attempt to comment on an article perhaps?) and failed. I don't yet have user accounts set up for login, so please, don't bother trying to login - you can't. In the not too distant future I hope to have things set up so that you can use the same user account on this part of the site, the forum, and the gallery, but I'm not there yet.

Web Site Upgrade

Have you noticed that the site looks a little (OK, a lot) different now? I've been developing the site using static HTML pages since 1999. While this kept the code simple, it made it more difficult to manage the content and to add new features to the site. In the more recent past I've been using Drupal, a modern content management system (CMS), to develop other sites and I finally decided to make the switch. I hope you like the new look and the new capabilities.